• USD: 86.619 ₽
  • GBP: 112.3275 ₽
  • EUR: 94.2559 ₽
  • BTC: 6942330.18 ₽
  • KZT: 17.7081 ₽
  • UAH: 20.8682 ₽

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рынок вилочника
  1. Jurassica

    BreakingBet. Surebet scanner overview

    BreakingBet begins to work in 2017. At the moment the scanner is running in test mode and access to the results free of charge. The main parameters of the scanner BreakingBet: Number of scanned bookmakers – 32 and 4 exchange for prematch arbs, 15 for live arbs Mode – prematch surebet. Live...
  2. Jurassica

    RebelBetting. Surebet scanner overview

    RebelBetting is the surebet scanner offered as the one-of-a-kind software. It analyzes arbitration in LIVE only – it doesn’t work in pre-match, which may become a problem for fresh surebet gamblers. To use service tools, the program must be downloaded on a local computer directly from the...
  3. Jurassica

    PositiveBet. Surebet scanner overview

    PositiveBet was developed in 2013 and, as of today, has taken the leading position in its market niche. The scanner analyses bets at the largest and most popular bookmakers in live mode. There is an opportunity to test the scanner for free. This means that all surebets with a winning rate of...
  4. Jurassica

    OddStorm. Surebet scanner overview

    The fastest arb scanner is the best scanner. Speaking of the operation speed, OddStorm undoubtfully holds the leadership. The service provides tools for analyzing a wide range of abs — both pre-match and live ones. Processing such a bulk of information, it flicks through dozens of bookmakers...
  5. Jurassica

    TheForks. Surebet scanner overview

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    Плюси і мінуси букмекерських вилок

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    Pros y contras de las apuestas seguras

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    L'esport paris: caractéristiques, avantages et perspectives

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    Quel est le coefficient d'un bookmaker?

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    Abreviaturas tomadas en apuestas deportivas en la oficina de apuestas

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  15. Jurassica

    What can be called the opposite outcome?

    WHAT CAN BE CALLED THE OPPOSITE OUTCOME? What is a surebet? It is the bet on opposite events in different bookmaker offices. With that, coefficients to these events must be so that in case when the one bet wins (correspondingly, the second one loses), gaining would cover costs for both bets...